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Travel Blog

Travel BlogAndre’s Travel blog highlights unique travel destinations, travel tips & current trends in the travel industry. Our world is changing rapidly & not necessarily always for the better. I enjoying using my travel blog as a platform to address the causes and challenges, which directly affect tourism. Not only does this blog inform travelers about what is happening in the world of travel, but it also gives me the opportunity to offer sage advice. I will help you navigate the changes & travel better.

Andre’ Leavitt

10 of the best sleeper trains in Europe

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Night train services are having a renaissance, thanks to renewed investment from operators, amid the need to fly less. Stockholm to NarvikThe country that’s home to Greta Thunberg and that coined the term flygskam (flight shame) has plans to introduce new sleeper routes this year. New connections from Malmö will be welcomed but for many Swedes nothing can beat the 20-hour odyssey from their capital’s Central Station across the wilderness of the Arctic Circle and on to the Norwegian town of Narvik. This is one route to fight to keep the blinds up for. In summer, the midnight sun means seeing...

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4 National Parks That You Should Experience This Winter

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These four spectacular national parks are much less crowded in the cooler months, when they offer a completely different kind of vacation than you'll find in the tourist-clogged summer season. Bundle up, and enjoy the elbow room.  YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK | MONTANA/WYOMING Photo courtesy of Jason Whitman True, Yellowstone is awfully cold in winter: You'll need to pack your warmest parkas, thermal underwear and snow boots. But you'll be rewarded with the chance to see glistening icy waterfalls, steaming hydrothermal pools and spouting geysers — all without the traffic jams and packed parking...

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5 Ways To Explore Ireland This Year

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For a small country, Ireland has a remarkable wealth of dramatic sites, hidden corners and amazing discoveries. The problem is that left to your own devices in a rental car, a GPS and an itinerary on your iPad, you’ll have a great time but you’ll only see a fraction of what the Emerald Isle has to offer. Enter these specialized tour companies, who can transform a week in Ireland into a memorable vacation. With St. Patrick’s Day on the horizon, it may just be time to get your Irish on. Vagabond Adventure Tours: Epic Ireland Food Tour Vagabond Adventure Tours has a 6 Day Epic Ireland Food...

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CDC, State Department warn against any travel to China

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued its highest travel warning on Monday, urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China because of the outbreak of coronavirus. At the same time, the State Department raised its China travel warning to level 3, urging U.S. citizens to “reconsider travel” to the country due to the coronavirus outbreak. The State Department also raised the travel warning for the entire Hubei province to level 4, advising against any travel there, noting that U.S. officials have “limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens” in the...

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Finland - Off the Beaten Path

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Do you enjoy traveling off the beaten path, a journey with less crowds & a more authentic experience? Then Finland would be a great choice for your next European adventure. Many add Finland to their Scandinavian itinerary, but if you like to dive in depth, spend the entire time here. Finland will not disappoint. Finland is the eighth largest country in the European Union but the most sparely populated. One of the Finland’s most remarkable features is light. When the endless summer sun gives way to winter the Northern lights, appear in a big way. In Lapland, the northern part of Finland,...

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Tourists believed to be among dead and injured after New Zealand volcano erupts

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“This is a tragedy. But, I must question the wisdom of allowing tourists to venture onto an active volcano?” said Andre.  Read about "Tourists believed to be among dead and injured after New Zealand volcano erupts" news. Authorities say the death toll is expected to rise after about 50 people, many of whom are tourists, were caught up in a volcano eruption on New Zealand's Whakaari island. At least five people have died and 23 have been rescued so far, some of whom are reported to be critically ill. The remainder are currently unaccounted for after the sudden explosion on Monday afternoon...

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